Saturday, February 1, 2020

Plea Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Plea Bargaining - Essay Example According to a task force instituted to address issues in the judicial system, there was major underfunding within the judicial system, unlike other state government elements that fared much better in the recent economic crisis of 2009/2010 (Bibas, n.d.). Considering that most expenses within the judiciary are staff wages, it has been argued in the past that plea bargaining is the best thing that happened to the judicial system. Political analysts and lawmakers have dubbed plea-bargaining as "the new criminal justice system." Because plea-bargaining offers both efficiency and reduced logistical and financial resources, it is overly perceived that without plea-bargaining, an explosion of the court cases would erupt, increasing costs rapidly while at the same time disrupting the present legal system. The primary advantage for the continuance of plea bargaining is that it is vital in ensuring sustained efficiency and function of the criminal justice framework. Many people are of the opinion that if plea bargaining would be discontinued; the judicial legal framework would just cave in from the load of managing ever-increasing criminal cases with limited resources. Individuals supporting plea bargaining argue that while felony caseloads are seen to increase two-fold with every passing decade, the assets set aside to facilitate the activities associated with tackling crime and providing justice only increase by a small margin (Golde & Bonjour, 1975). They contend that plea bargaining is therefore required for the efficient allocation and distribution of judicial resources. Individuals in support additionally argue that extra increases in expenses because of executing trials for each defendant would only be another cost generating gateway, overburdening an already starving economy. Plea bargaining is additionally preferred because it offers extra flexibility in the US judicial framework. Prosecutors are offered the

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